Tag: Canadian County Democrats

Meetings News

Democrat Senate Candidate to speak to Canadian County Democrats November 11

YUKON, Okla. – Dylan Billings, Democrat candidate for U.S. Senate, will speak to the Canadian County Democrats at the organization’s’ monthly meeting beginning at 7 p.m. on Monday, November 11. Seating will be first come, first served at the Yukon Police Department, 100 S. Ranchwood Boulevard. “I am running for US Senate because I believe […]

Events News

Public education tops issues in County Dems’ Czech Festival issues poll

YUKON, Okla. – Public education was the top issue at Czech Festival, earning 27.4 percent to the votes cast, according to an informal issue poll taken by the Canadian County Democrats. Hundreds of visitors stopped by the Democrats’ booth on October 5 to drop pinto beans into 11 slots separated by Plexiglas known as the […]

Events Meetings News

Skyfire Media partner to speak to Canadian County Democrats October 14 about political campaigns

YUKON, Okla. – Cassi Peters, founder and partner at Skyfire Media, will be the Canadian County Democrats’ featured speaker on Monday, October 14. Since Peters founded Skyfire in 2013, the political consulting company has helped elect more than 50 elected officials in Oklahoma and across the United States. Seating for the free meeting from 7 […]

Events Meetings News

Public Education & Veterans services tie in Canadian County Dems’ Western Days issues poll

MUSTANG, Okla. – Public education and services for veterans tied for the top issue, each earning 21.8 percent, at Mustang Western Days, according to an informal issue poll taken by the Canadian County Democrats. Hundreds of visitors stopped by the Democrats’ booth on September 7 and 8 at Wild Horse Park to drop pinto beans […]

Events Meetings News

Canadian County Democrats to hear Medicaid expansion speakers September 9

YUKON, Okla. – Saché Primeaux-Shaw, Young Democrats of Oklahoma chair, and Tom Taton, Oklmulgee County Democratic Party chair, will speak to the Canadian County Democrats on Monday, September 9, about the statewide petition to expand access to Medicaid health care to nearly 200,000 qualified Oklahomans. Seating is first come, first served for the free meeting […]