Canadian County Democrats to elect local officers March 14
EL RENO, Okla. – The Canadian County Democrats will elect local grassroots leaders on Thursday, March 14, to represent more than 50 neighborhoods throughout Canadian County. Democrats are encouraged attend to the free meeting.
Precinct officers may register voters in their neighborhoods, assist the county party with special events and help candidates during elections.
Openings are available for chairs, vice chairs and secretaries who serve for two years.
The meeting will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Canadian Valley Technology Center in seminar center C at 6505 E. Highway 66 between Yukon and El Reno. Interested Democrats are encouraged to park on the south side of the building and enter through the seminar center entrance.
“If you or someone you know wants to become a grassroots leader, you have a great chance of being elected at the precinct meetings,” Vice Chair Dennis Purifoy, from Yukon, said. “We can help you find your precinct, explain how the election process works and want to discuss how you would like to make a difference.”
The elected precinct officers will serve as voting delegates to the Canadian County Democrats’ county convention from 10-12 p.m. on Saturday, April 06, at Mustang Town Center banquet room, 1201 N Mustang Road in Mustang.
Delegates will also represent Canadian County Democrats at district and state conventions later in the spring.
The Canadian County Democrats will not hold their regularly scheduled monthly meeting in March because the precinct meeting is scheduled so close to the regular meeting time.
The group normally meets at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of each month (except December) at the Yukon Police Department, 100 S Ranchwood. The next meeting will be Monday, May 13,
For more information about the Canadian County Democrats, visit the Canadian County Democrats on Facebook @canadiancountydemocrats or Twitter@DemsCounty.