Tag: Canadian County Democrats

Events Meetings News

Canadian County Democrats award three $500 scholarships

YUKON, Okla. — The Canadian County Democrats awarded three $500 Robert “Bob” Burton scholarships in early June to a trio of outstanding Democratic students: Darius Moore from El Reno, and Claire Jones and Brennan Bratcher, both from Yukon. Democrats have awarded the scholarships for 14 years in honor of their deceased county vice chair who […]

Events Meetings News

Rep. Cyndi Munson to speak to Canadian County Democrats June 14

Please join the Canadian County Democrats for our monthly Zoom Meeting Time/Date: 7-8:30 p.m. on Monday, June 14 CCD Secretary Shirley Burton will announce three 2021 scholarship winners. Our speaker OK Rep. Cyndi Munson, the next minority (Democratic) leader will join the meeting around 7: 30 p.m.  She is the first Asian-American woman elected to […]

Events Meetings News

State representative and campaign manager to speak to Canadian County Democrats May 10 on Zoom

Caption: Majority Whip in the US House James “Jim” Clyburn (left) poses with Brent Wilcox (center) and Oklahoma Representative Mike Shelton (right), when Shelton was chairman of the Oklahoma Legislative Black Caucus. CANADIAN COUNTY, Okla. – Retired State Representative Mike Shelton and campaign manager Brent Wilcox will share tips about successful campaigns and elections at […]

Elections Events Meetings News

Canadian County Democrats elect officers and convention delegates

CANADIAN COUNTY, Okla. – The Canadian County Democrats’ met April 3 via Zoom to elect five county officers for 2021-22, 9 delegates to represent the county at the Congressional District 3 convention and 4 delegates who will attend the Congressional District 4 convention, both on May 1. All the officers and delegates will attend the […]

Meetings News

Canadian County Democrats’ $500 scholarship deadline extended to May 28

CANADIAN COUNTY, Okla. – Students registered to vote as Democrats are invited to apply for the Canadian County Democrats’ Robert “Bob” Burton Democratic Scholarship. The $500 scholarship is awarded each year in memory of the organization’s former county vice chair for whom the awards are named. 2021 is the 15th year Democrats have awarded the […]