Elections Events News

Canadian County Democrats’ Voter Guide for Election on Nov 3, 2020

The Canadian County Democrats have endorsed seven outstanding Democratic candidates. We urge you to vote for them by absentee ballot or early vote before Tuesday, Nov. 3, or at your polling place on that date. Will you please say YES and ask five others to ask five more to join you in getting out the […]

Events Meetings News

Justice reform ballot measure SQ 805 to be topic for Canadian County Dems’ Aug 10 Zoom meeting

YUKON, Okla. – Nicole McAfee from ACLU will be the guest speaker at the Canadian County Democrats’ online Zoom meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, August 10. McAffee will speak in favor of State Question 805. This ballot measure would prohibit a convicted person’s former felony convictions from being used to expand punishment, including minimum […]

Events Meetings News

Abby Broyles for U.S. Senate to speak July 13 at Canadian County Democrats Zoom meeting

YUKON, Okla. – Abby Broyles for U.S. Senate will be the guest speaker at the Canadian County Democrats’ online Zoom meeting from 7-7:30 p.m. on Monday, July 13. The Canadian County Democrats encourage participants to join 5-10 minutes before the meeting begins by selecting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5515451639 and following easy instructions. Meeting ID: 551 545 1639 Participants […]

Events Meetings News

Canadian County Democrats to host online Zoom meeting June 8

YUKON, Okla. – Oklahoma Future Fund Executive Director Jared Deck will be the guest speaker at the Canadian County Democrats’ online Zoom meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, June 8. Oklahoma Future Fund develops voter turnout in traditionally low turnout communities. Deck is an award-winning singer-songwriter with acclaim from Rolling Stone and the Woody Guthrie […]

Elections Events News

Who can Canadian County Democrats vote for on June 30?

Please vote yes on Tues., June 30, to expand Medicaid! Help 200,000 Oklahomans get health care; save rural hospitals; create new healthcare jobs; and bring federal tax dollars we’ve already paid back to our state to fund 90% of the cost. We also have primary elections for U.S. Senator, U.S. Congress in the 4th District […]