Rep. Cyndi Munson to speak to Canadian County Democrats June 14
Please join the Canadian County Democrats for our monthly Zoom Meeting
Time/Date: 7-8:30 p.m. on Monday, June 14
CCD Secretary Shirley Burton will announce three 2021 scholarship winners. Our speaker OK Rep. Cyndi Munson, the next minority (Democratic) leader will join the meeting around 7: 30 p.m. She is the first Asian-American woman elected to the Oklahoma Legislature and the first to serve as minority leader.
Emcee: CCD Vice Chair Dennis Purifoy
Host: Chantelle Cory
Join the Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5515451639
Meeting ID: 551 545 1639
Or call 346-248-7799 to join the meeting by phone.
Questions: Chair Jody Harlan at jodyharlan@gmail.com, Vice Chair Dennis Purifoy at dennispurifoy@att.net or Chantelle Cory at chantelle_cory@hotmail.com.