Join us! Canadian County Convention Sat, April 6
Important! Please join us for the Canadian County Democrats County Convention this Saturday, April 6, at 10 a.m. at Mustang Town Center Banquet Hall B, 1201 N. Mustang Road. If you were elected at the precinct officer meeting on March 14, you are a voting delegate at the county convention. Please plan to be there so we can elect county officers and 14 delegates to represent us at district and state conventions.
If you are a precinct officer and voting delegate, but can’t come April 6, please text or call Jody Harlan at 405-326-3600. We will help you find someone to vote for you so that your vote counts. You can even tell this person how to vote in your place. We call this a “proxy,” and there’s a one page form to fill out so we need to know in advance.
Everyone is welcome at the convention. Any Canadian County Democrat can be elected as the new county chair, vice chair or secretary or one of 14 delegates to the district and state conventions. If you’re interested, show up and let people know your running for this grassroots leadership opportunities.
One more thing! We’ll probably go out for lunch after the convention so join the fun! See you there.