Eleven Democratic candidates spoke at Canadian County Democrats’ Forum Monday night
Caption: Eleven Democratic candidates and one Independent candidate spoke July 11 to a packed house at the Yukon Police Department: (first row from left) Jennie Scott – House District 41; Sara Peterson – House District 41; Ashley Nicole McCray – Corporation Commission; Chantelle Cory – House District 43; (second row) Jacque Pearsall – House District 43; Mark Myles – State Attorney General; Tyler Smith – House District 41; Daniel Pugh – County Commissioner; William Andrews – Senate District 22; and Sarah Carnes – House District 47. O. A. Cargill – House District 47 candidate – is not in the photo.
YUKON, Okla. – More than 50 Democrats came Monday, June 11, to hear 11 Democratic candidates speak at a forum organized by the Canadian County Democrats.
Andy Moore, the popular founder of Let’s Fix This, followed the candidate forum with information about grassroots efforts to encourage regular, everyday citizens to engage with their government.
Other recent candidate forums in Canadian County have invited candidates for only one race. However, two statewide candidates and seven of the eight Democratic candidates running for House and Senate seats in Canadian County attended the forum Monday night.
Senator Michael Brooks (Democrat – Senate District 44) was elected to represent Mustang and south Yukon in a special 2017 election. Brooks did not draw a Republican opponent in 2018 and has already been declared the winner in that Canadian County race.
Candidates who spoke Monday night were all Democrats, except for Daniel Pugh who is registered as an Independent:
State Attorney General – Mark Myles
Corporation Commissioner – Ashley Nicole McCray
Senate District 22 – William Andrews
House District 41 – Sara Peterson, Jennie Scott, Tyler Smith
House District 43 – Chantelle Cory, Jacque Pearsall
House District 47 – O. A. Cargill, Sarah Carnes
County Commissioner, District 3 – Daniel Pugh
“Candidates primarily focused on their plans for restoring education funding and resolving lingering budget issues at the state Capitol,” Shirley Burton, Canadian County Democrats secretary said. “Health care and environmental concerns also seem to be of interest to this audience at the Yukon Police Department.”
Voters who are registered as Independents can vote in the Democratic Party primary and runoff elections in 2018 and 2019.
Voters may register to vote at any time; however, the deadline has passed to register to vote in time for the June 26 primary election.
Wed, June 20, 2018 Deadline is 5 p.m. to apply for an absentee ballot (to vote by mail). Apply for an absentee ballot online.
Early voting will be available at the County Election Board at 200 S. Bickford Avenue in El Reno.
• Thur, June 21, 2018 – 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
• Fri, June 22, 2018 – 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
• Sat, June 23, 2018 – 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Tue, June 26, 2018 Primary Election. Polls will be open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Voters are encouraged to complete provisional ballots if they have problems voting at a polling place. After Election Day, County Election Board officials will investigate and either approve or reject those provisional ballot.
Tue, August 28, 2018 Runoff Primary Election
Tue, November 6, 2018 General Election
The Oklahoma State Election Board’s Online Voter Tool will help voters confirm that they are registered to, find polling locations, track absentee ballots or view sample ballots online.
The Canadian County Democrats regularly meet on the second Monday of each month (except December) at the Yukon Police Department at 100 S. Ranchwood Boulevard.
Contact hwinc@cox.net or 405-326-3600 to get involved in the Canadian County Democrats’ events and activities.