YUKON, Okla. – Janet Schweinfurth from Damsel in Defense will speak to the Canadian County Democrats on Monday, August 12, about domestic violence, sexual assault and trafficking, as well as steps we can stake to keep ourselves safe. Seating is first come, first served for the free meeting from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the […]
Tag: Canadian County Democrats
CANADIAN COUNTY, Okla. – Students who need help getting basic school supplies and their families are welcome to come to the Canadian County Democrats’ school supplies giveaway on Saturday, August 3. Supplies will be available on a first come, first served basis beginning at 10 a.m. at the Lord’s Harvest Food Bank, 1020 Sunset Drive, […]
YUKON, Okla. – The public is invited to hear Pets & People Humane Society Vice President Amy Young and Board Member Peggy Nichols speak at the Canadian County Democrats’ monthly meeting from 7 -8:30 p.m. on Monday, July 8. Seating will be first come, first served at the Yukon Police Department, 100 S. Ranchwood Boulevard. […]
YUKON, Okla. – Advocate Russell Moore will update the Canadian County Democrats on Monday, June 10, about legislation approved since State Question 788 legalized marijuana use for medical purposes in Oklahoma. More than 891,000 Oklahomans, or 57 percent, voted yes to legalize medical marijuana in June 2018. Voters passed the ballot measure in Canadian County. […]
CANADIAN COUNTY, Okla. – Seventeen delegates will represent Democrats from Canadian County at the upcoming Oklahoma Democratic Party State Convention on June 7-9 at the Renaissance Convention Center in Oklahoma City. County convention delegates elected three county officers in April who will be voting delegates at the state convention. Jody Harlan was re-elected to a […]