
Letter to Yukon Progress Editor by Jackie Gaston

Dear Editor, Please allow me to respond to a commentary by Denny Myers about being a former public school teacher back in the good old days that included criticism to the teacher walkout and labor unions. Here’s a news flash: Times have changed. Perhaps labor unions were not needed before Mr. Meyers left public schools […]


High School Democrats of Oklahoma chair invites teens, young adults to April 9 meeting

Young woman with long hair

YUKON, Okla. – Teens and young adults are encouraged to join Annamarie Cuccia, chair of High School Democrats of Oklahoma, when she speaks to the Canadian County Democrats on Monday, April 9. Seating is first come, first served for the free meeting from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Yukon Police Department, 100 S. Ranchwood. […]


April 27 deadline to apply for Canadian County Dems’ $500 scholarship

CANADIAN COUNTY, Okla. – The Canadian County Democrats are accepting applications for the annual Robert “Bob” Burton Democratic Scholarship. The $500 scholarship will be awarded in memory of the organization’s former county vice chair for whom the awards are named. This is the 12th year the scholarship has been awarded. Applicants must be Democrats registered […]


Moms Demand Action leader to speak at Canadian County Democrats’ February 12 meeting

Woman wearing Moms Demand Action t-shirt holds the hands of a small boy in front of her.

YUKON, Okla. – Jennifer Birch from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America will speak to the Canadian County Democrats on Monday, February 12. All Democrats and guests are welcome to attend the free meeting from 7 to 8:30 p.m. This month only, the Canadian County Democrats will meet at the Yukon Library, 500 […]