YUKON, Okla. –Democratic candidates will share the floor at the Canadian County Democrats ‘July 9th meeting from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Yukon Police Department, 100 S. Ranchwood. Organizers have planned time for audience questions after the candidates’ short presentations. “We had a really fun meeting in June with 11 Democratic candidates who came […]
Category: News
Caption: Eleven Democratic candidates and one Independent candidate spoke July 11 to a packed house at the Yukon Police Department: (first row from left) Jennie Scott – House District 41; Sara Peterson – House District 41; Ashley Nicole McCray – Corporation Commission; Chantelle Cory – House District 43; (second row) Jacque Pearsall – House District […]
DEMOCRATS IN CANADIAN COUNTY RACES STATE SENATE DISTRICT 22 William Andrews STATE SENATE DISTRICT 44 Senator Michael Brooks is re-elected without opposition. He did not have a Republican opponent. This has not happened in Canadian County in at least 30 years. STATE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 41 Sara Peterson Jennie Scott Tyler Smith STATE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 43 […]
Fri, June 1, 2018 Last day to register to vote in the June 26 Primary Election. Download a voter registration application. Voters who are registered as Independents can vote in the Democratic Party primary and runoff elections in 2018 and 2019. Voters who will turn 18 on or before June 26 may register to vote […]
YUKON, Okla. — Lauren Smith from Mustang is the 2018 winner of a $500 scholarship awarded by the Canadian County Democrats. The Robert “Bob” Burton Democrat Scholarship is named in honor of the deceased former county vice chair who encouraged young Democrats to become active in the Democratic Party. This is the 11th year that […]