Coming soon: Canadian County Democrats to elect precinct officers March 13

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Caption (from left): Canadian County Democrats Secretary Shirley Burton and scholarship committee member Laurie Hammons welcome Democrats at a previous precinct meeting.

YUKON, Okla. – The Canadian County Democrats invite all registered Democrats to attend biannual meeting to elect neighborhood leaders known as precinct officers from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, March 13.

Participants will meet with others from their neighborhoods at Canadian Valley Tech Center seminar center B at 6505 E Highway 66 in El Reno.

Canadian County now has 60 precincts.

Meeting participants are encouraged to check their voter registration cards in advance or visit OK Voter Portal to find precinct numbers and bring this info to the meeting to speed up registration.

The CC Dems will have volunteers to look up precinct information if needed.

“If you come, there’s a good chance you’ll be elected as a precinct officer,” Canadian County Democrats Chair Jody Harlan said. “That’s how I got involved in the Democratic Party, and I’m grateful that I showed up and signed up. We hope you will too.”

Precinct officers are local contacts for the county party.

“You can be as active as you want to be by registering voters, helping voters meet candidates, collecting feminine hygiene products for donations through our Period Project Canadian County, helping at tables at community events and more — but precinct officers are not required to do any activities,” Harlan said.

Following the precinct meetings, any Democrat from Canadian County is welcome to attend the county convention from 2-4 p.m. on Saturday, April 12, at Canadian Valley Tech Center at 1701 S. Czech Hall Road in Yukon. Precinct officers elected on March 13 will be the only voting delegates at the county convention, according to the Oklahoma Democratic Party’s Constitution and Bylaws.

The Canadian County Democrats will not have regular meetings from 7-8:30 p.m. on the second Monday during March and April because of the precinct meeting and county convention.

Check out the Canadian County Democrats on Facebook @canadiancodems and Instagram @canadiancodems.

For more information, contact Jody Harlan at 405-326-3600 or