Raise the Wage petition campaign manager Amber England to speak to CC Dems June 10
YUKON, Okla. – Canadian County Democrats will welcome Amber England, campaign manager for the Raise the Wage ballot measure, as their featured speaker on Monday, June 13. The Democrats meet from 7-8:30 p.m. at Yukon Police Department at 100 S. Ranchwood Boulevard.
The minimum wage was last increased in Oklahoma 15 years ago in 2009.
State Question 832 asks voters to approve a statewide ballot measure that would require employers to pay employees at least $9 per hour beginning in 2025, $10.50 per hour beginning in 2026, $12 per hour beginning in 2027, $13.50 per hour beginning in 2028 and $15 per hour beginning in 2029.
Petitions will be available at the meeting for registered Oklahoma voters who would like to sign.
In 2030, the minimum wage would increase each year based on the increase in the cost of living, if any, as measured by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers.
The measure would eliminate certain exemptions in the Oklahoma Minimum Wage Act for employers subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, part-time employees, certain students and individuals under age 18, certain farm and agricultural workers, domestic service workers, newspaper vendors or carriers and feedstore employees.
Federal and state employees would not be covered by the ballot measure. Some employers with ten or fewer employees and certain other types of employees and volunteers would remain exempt.
England created and launched STRATEGY 77, her national public affairs consulting firm, in 2018 to advise people, businesses and organizations about public affairs issues.
“STRATEGY 77 specializes in movement building because now more than ever, voters are rightfully demanding a seat at the table in public policy debates shaping America’s future,” England wrote on her LinkedIn page. “… I’ve worked with clients to help secure the largest investment in public schools in Oklahoma’s history, successfully managed State Question 802 that enshrined Medicaid Expansion into Oklahoma’s constitution that’s providing access to affordable healthcare to more than 250,000 Oklahomans.”
England has also supported and advised candidates for top-tier congressional races.
“Ultimately, I’m driven by making a difference in the lives of others through political movement building and wake up every day thinking of ways to bring people together to change the world for good,” England said.
Participants may ask to join the Canadian County Democrats’ meeting on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5515451639 using Meeting ID: 551 545 1639 and passcode 3600. The Canadian County Democrats reserve the right to refuse entry or remove participants who disrupt meetings.