OK County Democratic Party Chair Amy Warne to speak Nov 13 to Canadian County Democrats
YUKON, Okla. – The current Oklahoma County Democratic Party Chair Amy Warne will speak to the Canadian County Democrats at their monthly meeting on Monday, November 13.
The Democrats meet each month, except December when they have a party, from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Yukon Police Department, 100 S. Ranchwood Boulevard.
Amy Warne is a lifelong resident of Oklahoma, a citizen of the Muscogee Nation and also Seminole and Tiger Clan.
She was a ward 8 candidate for Oklahoma City Council.
Warne is employed as the national nutrition and health programs manager for Partnership for a Healthier America, a non-profit that seeks to transform the food landscape through achieving health and food equity.
She is active within the community by volunteering her time to organizations that address food insecurity, increasing voter turnout and raising awareness for social justice.
Warne is an avid supporter of the arts, believes civic engagement is crucial and works to build a better community for future generations.
She holds three higher education degrees in health care management and nutritional sciences and earned a master’s of business administration degree.
During her talk to the Canadian County Democrats, Warne will focus on women’s equality and the 19th Amendment, voting rights for Native peoples and pay for women and Native women compared to men.
Participants who want to join the Canadian County Democrats’ meeting on Zoom may email chair@canadiancodems.org by Sunday, November 12, to request a Zoom link and code required to attend. This is necessary for security reasons based on interference in past meetings.
The CC Dems also livestreams meetings on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CanadianCoDems.
For more information, email jodyharlan@gmail.com.