Canadian County Democrats to hear Medicaid expansion speakers September 9
YUKON, Okla. – Saché Primeaux-Shaw, Young Democrats of Oklahoma chair, and Tom Taton, Oklmulgee County Democratic Party chair, will speak to the Canadian County Democrats on Monday, September 9, about the statewide petition to expand access to Medicaid health care to nearly 200,000 qualified Oklahomans.
Seating is first come, first served for the free meeting from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Yukon Police Department, 100 S. Ranchwood.
Registered voters from all political parties are encouraged to stop by the meeting to sign the nonpartisan petition to get Medicaid expansion on the November 2010 ballot for a vote of the people.
Medicaid expansion would help individuals who currently earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to afford coverage on the health insurance exchange. For example, individuals would qualify who make less than $17,000 per year or families of three making less than $29,000.
Primeaux-Shaw works for Oklahomans Decide Healthcare, a coalition of voters, medical professionals, business leaders and health care advocates who call their campaign Yes on 802.
Taton was an early Yes on 802 supporter who launched a web site to reach potential volunteers. He is actively helping collect nearly 178,000 valid signatures needed to put Medicaid expansion on the ballot.
“Helping nearly 200,000 of our neighbors get access to healthcare is not only the right thing to do, it’s the smart, financially responsible thing to do too,” Primeaux-Shaw said. “Medicaid expansion will bring more than a billion of our federal dollars back to Oklahoma from Washington, DC every year.”
“Currently, 36 other states that have already expanded Medicaid for their citizens and are getting Oklahoma’s share of the federal money that we’ve already paid,” Taton said. “Bringing our federal tax dollars home will create thousands of good, new jobs, create a healthier, more productive workforce and boost our economy, which is good for businesses and all Oklahomans.”
“We’ve waited 10 years for a healthcare solution,” Taton said. “Now it’s finally our turn to decide.”
The Canadian County Democrats regularly meet on the second Monday of each month (except December) at the Yukon Police Department at 100 S. Ranchwood Boulevard.
For additional information about the Canadian County Democrats, or contact hwinc@cox.net or 405-326-3600.