Canadian County Democrats to hear marijuana ballot measures update at August 13 meeting
YUKON, Okla. – Russell Moore, an advocate for medical marijuana, will update the Canadian County Democrats and friends on Monday, August 13, about the status of State Question 788, which legalized marijuana for medical purposes in Oklahoma.
Seating is available on a first come, first basis for the free meeting to be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Yukon Police Department, 100 S. Ranchwood.
Moore will also discuss two petitions currently being signed by supporters through August 8: State Question 796, which would clarify provisions for legal sale and use of medical marijuana, and State Question 797, which would legalize recreational marijuana.
SQ 788 passed with 891,000 Oklahomans, or 57 percent voting yes to legalize medical marijuana.
Voters passed the ballot measure in Canadian County.
According to Ballotpedia.org, “The measure required a state-issued medical marijuana license to have a board-certified physician’s signature. The measure required no specific qualifying conditions to receive medical marijuana. The measure allowed people with licenses to possess up to three ounces of marijuana on their person and eight ounces of marijuana in their residence.
“A 7 percent tax was levied on marijuana sales, with revenue allocated to administrative costs, education, and drug and alcohol rehabilitation,” Ballotpedia.org reported. “The measure required licenses to operate dispensaries, commercial growing operations and processing operations. The measure prohibited municipalities from restricting zoning laws to prevent marijuana dispensaries.”
The pro-marijuana group Green the Vote said on July 29 that they had already collected 132,527 signatures for SQ 797 – more than the required number to get the measure on the ballot for a vote of the people.
The group said that SQ 796 had received 115,123 signatures as of July 29.
Moore has studied special interest groups’ suggestions and proposed regulations, and has been active in addressing potential shortfalls in SQ 788.
“I have researched what other states have done and pull what matches our situation as guidance,” Moore said. “My goal is to educate and help as many as I can. With all of the misinformation, myths and anti-MM (medicinal marijuana) propaganda, this task is needed.
“I have absolutely no financial stake in the industry,” he added. “I do however have a wife, family members and many friends who can benefit from the industry and leave the pharmaceutical meds behind. This is what drives my motivation and passion.”
Moore’s background in advocacy stems from nearly 30 years in ocean and shark conservancy, wildlife conservancy and the vaping industry.
He was a founding consumer board member of Oklahoma Vapers Advocacy League and has been actively involved in writing and propagating several vaping bills and animal rights legislation as well.
“In 2015, Oklahoma authorized clinical trials of cannabis oil for persons 18 years of age or younger with severe forms of epilepsy,” according to Ballotpedia.org. “In 2016, the age cap was removed and clinical trials were expanded to cover other specific diseases and conditions.”
The Canadian County Democrats regularly meet on the second Monday of each month (except December) at the Yukon Police Department at 100 S. Ranchwood Boulevard.
For additional information, contact hwinc@cox.net or 405-326-3600.