Democratic lieutenant governor candidate to speak to Canadian County Democrats March 12
YUKON, Okla. – Anna Dearmore, candidate for Oklahoma lieutenant governor, will speak to the Canadian County Democrats on Monday, March 12.
All Democrats and guests are welcome to attend the free meeting from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Yukon Police Department, 100 S. Ranchwood.
“Running for Lt. Governor is important to me because I have work experience and ideas that can add revenues to the state coffers,” Dearmore said.
“The lieutenant governor chairs the tourism commission, so using my experience in the tourism industry, I propose to use more targeted marketing, along with promotional tie-ins with shops, museums, parks, and restaurants,” Dearmore said.
“Second, I will create a new commission on medical marijuana to help create protocols that will aid physicians and hospitals give appropriate treatment that they decide upon, rather than legislators. Additionally, hemp products must be allowed, so that we can develop new jobs and businesses that focus on farming, manufacture, packaging, and distribution.
“Last, aerospace entrepreneurs, such as Richard Branson, are devising plans to offer pleasure trips to space for affluent passengers,” Dearmore said. “Oklahoma already has the infrastructure to operate ‘rides for rich people,’ giving our hotels, restaurants, shops, airlines, and car rentals a very affluent customer base.
“With added revenues to the state, we can begin to offer the raises that have been withheld from our educators,” she said. “We can fix the roads and bridges. We can establish much better healthcare delivery to the elderly and disabled. We can do so much, we just need to follow a plan.”
Orphaned at age 17, graduated from secretarial school, focused on economics and business law at Richland College and business administration at Phoenix University in Dallas.
She built two successful careers over 40 years as a tourism industry marketer and realtor-broker, eventually owning her own realty company in Dallas
In 2006, she move to Okmulgee to marry husband Russ, who retired as an IBEW union electrician and earned the bronze medal for his service in Viet Nam.
“Russ and I moved to his hometown of Okmulgee to be with family, and we love the joys of small town living,” Dearmore said.
She and Russ joined the Okmulgee County Democrats where she served as a precinct Chair and attended three Oklahoma Democratic Party conventions where she met Democrats her encouraged her to run for office.
Dearmore stayed active in temporary retirement, founding the Okmulgee Historical Society and serving as past president of Friends of the Okmulgee Public Library. She joined Rotary International, Okmulgee Preservation Commission, Okmulgee Main Street and Okmulgee Chamber of Commerce. She is a member of First Christian Church.
The Democrats regularly meet on the second Monday of each month (except December) at the Yukon Police Department at 100 S. Ranchwood Boulevard.
For additional information about the Canadian County Democrats, contact hwinc@cox.net or 405-326-3600.